When your phone cost hundreds of dollars, protecting your phone is always running through your mind. You try to make sure you don't drop it even if you have an outer protector case. Avoiding anything liquid has become a special skill that you have mastered. Also edges of any sort can not be trusted. Investing in a screen protector is also a great idea because how can you use your touch screen phone if the screen is broken. IntelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector is a must have for any Smartphone owner.
I have dropped a phone or two and have been lucky that none of them ever resulted in a scattered screen. However, my friends and family members have not been so lucky. Having a cracked or scattered screen is one of the worst things ever. You have two options to fix this situation; you get the screen fix or you buy a New phone. No one wants to deal with neither of these scenarios, so intelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector is the insurance and reinsurance to have when it comes to your screen. intelliGLASS Screen Protector is made up of ultra hard glass that will absorb any shock your phone might take.
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Screen Protector, Dust Remover, & Instructions |
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intelliGLASS Kit |
The screen protector is real glass and this allows you to retain accuracy of touch and clarity. This screen protector is so clear that you will forget that you even have it on your screen. Another great feature of this screen protector is it is resistant to scratches and oil/grease. You no-longer have to worry about your screen getting scratched or wiping your phone on your clothes ever again. I have been using this screen protector for weeks now and I have had no issue what so ever.
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intelliGLASS Screen Protector Completely Installed |
Everything you need to install the screen protector comes with the kit. You will receive: intelliGLASS screen protector, dust remover tape, intelliARMOR home buttons, touch screen cleaner, and microfiber cloth. Installation is super easy. There are instruction of the packaging itself and there is a video tutorial on intelliGLASS website (Head Over Here). It should take about two-three minutes to complete. I would highly recommend buying this screen protector. You will not be disappointed with your purchase and your phone and wallet will thank you. Head Over Here To Get Yours Today! (I received this product free to review, but my opinions are my own).
Comment Below On What Model Phone You Would Use The intelliGLASS screen protector On. (Comment Multiply Times To Increase Your Chances Of Winning)
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Iphone 6 plus
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