Monday, November 21, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet Round 3: Week 1 !
I am so excited to be starting a third round of Personal Trainer Food diet plan. My first two rounds on this program (Round 1 - Round 2) were extremely successful and I know I will have great results this time around too. The variety of food options are satisfying, nutritious, and greatly aids with losing weight. Personal Trainer Food takes on the frustrating task of meal prepping for me and allows me to focus on eating my pre-made meals (and other allowed food items), exercising, and enjoying life.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Weight loss Achievement with Appcome Women's Apparel

Since the beginning of this year I have been taking losing weight more serious and so far I have dropped (and maintained) 40 pounds. Most of the clothes do not fit any more, but I refuse to buy a new wardrobe. I don't want to spend a ton of money buying new clothes when I still have 60 pounds to lose. However, when I was given the opportunity to tryout Appcome Women's Floral High Waist A Line Skirt, I jumped at the opportunity and I am so glad that I did. This skirt is beautifully made & represents a major milestone in my weight-loss journey.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Carrot Seed Oil to the Rescue

I received a sample product, but my opinions are my own.
Essential oils are vast in variety and in the beneficial properties that they possess. These oils can be used topically, ingested (if stated), and used for aromatherapy. Each method of use has its own benefits and convenience. I have been using essential oils for a few years now and I am still trying out new assortments of oils. Botanical Beauty Carrot Seed Oil is an all-around winner.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Snack Time!

I enjoy snacking and I look forward to trying out different treats. I am trying to stay away from sugary/calorie loaded treats like cookies, doughnuts, and ice-cream. I know in moderation these snacks are not bad for you, but I lose self-control when it comes to eating those delicious sweet treats. Healthier snacks can really be hit or miss (more on the miss side) for me. So when I was presented with the opportunity to test out Yum Yum Fun! healthy snacks care package I was jumping for joy.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Natural Shampoo to The Rescue
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The overall quality of shampoo that I use really makes or breaks (literally) my hair. Like the seasons, my hair also changes and what worked for me in the Spring will definitely not work for me in the Summer. The forever changing system I am on can become frustrating and expensive.When I find a shampoo and conditioner set that works for me, I tend to stick with it as long as I can. However, if the products change in formula or are discontinued, I have to start my trial and error process all over again. PriMiracle Restorative Moisturizing Shampoo is my new go-to Summer shampoo.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Everyday Body Wash
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Who ever thought to invent body wash is truly a life saver. I use body wash 80% of the time I take a shower and I really appreciate the overall convenience that it offers. I feel as though the liquid consistency allows me to get super clean for the lest amount of product used. Also, staying clean while traveling is made easy thanks to the portability of body wash. PriMiracle Soothing Moisturizing Body Wash is luxury in a bottle.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Aloe Vera + Jojoba Oil = Happy Skin
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Finding a quality lotion to use during the summer months is truly a necessity. There are tons of lotions out on the market that are specifically made to use during the summer months. However, all of them are not made equally. Summer lotions tend to be on the light side and provide minimum basic hydration and moisture. My skin needs maximum hydration & moisture while still feeling light & free. PriMiracle Soothing Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion has my skincare needs covered for the summer.
Friday, June 3, 2016
The Year of The Compost
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I always wanted to start a compost bin, but I was never successful because the neighborhood wild life would not allow it to blossom. My neighborhood is ran by alley cats. I appreciate them because we haven't had a rodent problem for 10+ years. However, cats a extremely curious and they can smell scents from a mile away. I was excited to get a Chef's Star Compost Pail because now I can start truly composting.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Natural Decongestant to the Rescue
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I feel as though we are officially in that weird space where Spring is not technically over, but Summer is already here. I am thankful that I do not have allergies, but the 'summer' heat still takes a toll on me. My nose simply does not like the heat and my throat suffers because of it too. Throughout the day I tend to suffer with a stuffy nose and irritable throat because traditional vapor rubs smell like you are sick. However, thanks to Puriya Breathe-Ease Balm I no-longer have to suffer.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Jump Start Your Mornings with Rose Hip Seed Oil
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The facial cleanser I choose to use in the morning will either have my face feeling great for the rest of the day or I will be applying moisturizer for the rest of the day. I also have combination skin which makes any cleanser I use tricky because it can help remedy one issue and aggravate the other. Natural beauty products tend to work best for my skin because ingredients such as sulfates and parabens are not in them. My skin really took to PriMiracle Deep Facial Cleanser with Rose Hip Seed Oil. From start to finish my skin enjoyed the whole cleansing process.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
My Momma's Hot Wings ¡Sabor! by Texas Pete® Style
Hot sauce is loved in my house. There are no less than three different bottled varieties in my pantry and a host of hot sauce packets from tons of restaurants in my kitchen drawers. The versatility of this condiment is unmatched. You can use hot sauce to dip your fries in or you can use it as a main ingredient for your cheat day meal. When I was presented with the opportunity to try out ¡Sabor! by Texas Pete® Mexican-Style Hot Sauce, I could not pass it up (my family would have gave me the silent treatment if I did). Since I've been craving fried foods, I decided to make My Momma's Hot Wings and was satisfied 100 times over.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Round:2 Week:3 + Giveaway
Week 2 on the Personal Trainer Food diet was a success and so was week 3. I've been craving fried foods and ice cream. Neither are apart of this diet and if I indulge in them, it will just set me back from reaching my monthly goal. I told myself once I lost 50 lbs I would treat myself to some quality delicious ice cream. But until then I continue to enjoy the meal options that the Personal Trainer Food offers.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Round:2 Week:2 + Giveaway
The food is delicious as usual and I still am not bored with the selection. What I do miss the most is the breaded options because it was the closest thing to fried food I could eat that was still good for me. I know that cutting bread from my diet will help me achieve my goals faster. I have kept off the weight that I lost on the fist round of the Personal Trainer Food diet program. So I can say with confidence that this is the diet program I will be sticking with to help me reach my ultimate goal.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Testing Out Garnier Whole Blends Hydrating Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk Extracts Shampoo & Conditioner on Natural 4C Hair
Wash day has a double meaning in my household. It either means that I am washing laundry for majority of the day or I am washing my hair for majority of the day. When it is wash day for my hair, I try to get up as early as possible so I can be completely done by late afternoon. Since I have thick coarse hair, it is a multi-step process to get my hair thoroughly clean (when I am washing it myself). The quality of shampoo and conditioner I use will greatly impact the look, feel, and overall texture of my hair, I gave Garnier Whole Blends Hydrating Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk Extracts Shampoo and Conditioner a chance and I was pleasantly surprised with the overall results.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Tea Time Made Easy
I really enjoy drinking hot tea. Herbal and organic blends are my favorite and I try to drink tea at least three times out of the week. Even-though it took me some years to find a quality affordable tea kettle, I am happy I finally have one. Before I got a Willow & Everett Gooseneck Kettle, making tea was super messy.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Wood Watches are a Must
Knowing what time it is no longer a hassle in this day and age. Smartphones can display the time down to the second with a push of a button. Many people may deem watches to be outdated or obsolete, but that is simple not true. Watches still have a sophistication element and make for great keepsakes. Woodie Specs Handmade Men Solid Watch is unique, stylish, and makes for the perfect gift for family and friends.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Round:2 Week:1 + Giveaway
I am so happy to say that I was selected to participate in a second round of Personal Trainer Food diet meal program. Losing 20 pounds on the my first round of this program truly motivated me to take my weight loss journey seriously. My goal for this second round is to lose another 20 pounds. I know if I strictly follow the do's and don'ts of this program I will not only meet my goal, but I could possible go well beyond it. I received the Lunch and Dinner plan this time around because of my allergic reaction to consuming a larger quantity of eggs. However, for breakfast I can have bacon and sausages.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Week 4
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My fourth week on the Personal Trainer Food diet program really went great. For breakfast I started eating more nuts/seeds and finished off the last sausage patties. I really did not like the flavor of raw sunflower seeds at first because they tasted super bland. However, baking them in the oven for about 10 minutes really helps bring out a totally different flavor. Eating vegetables for breakfast is a first for me and it is quite satisfying.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Week 3
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My third week on Personal Trainer Food diet program was also a success. Since I can not eat the omelets any more for breakfast due to an allergic reaction to large quantities of eggs, I still eat the maple sausage patties and bacon. I also have almonds and/or sunflower seeds for breakfast (both are approved to eat while on this program). I have not kicked my cravings for sweets and have cheated a handful of times with consuming pieces of cake and cookies. I wish there was such a thing as healthy sweets that still had the same satisfying factors as Oreo cheesecake. My sweet tooth got the best of me this week even-though the Personal Trainer Food meal prepped meals still satisfying.
My third week on Personal Trainer Food diet program was also a success. Since I can not eat the omelets any more for breakfast due to an allergic reaction to large quantities of eggs, I still eat the maple sausage patties and bacon. I also have almonds and/or sunflower seeds for breakfast (both are approved to eat while on this program). I have not kicked my cravings for sweets and have cheated a handful of times with consuming pieces of cake and cookies. I wish there was such a thing as healthy sweets that still had the same satisfying factors as Oreo cheesecake. My sweet tooth got the best of me this week even-though the Personal Trainer Food meal prepped meals still satisfying.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Stop The Outlet Dash
In this day and age outlets are a top commodity. I have friends that will go into an establishment for the sole purpose of charging their phone. If multiple people need to charge their phones at once, it can start an battle of who needs it the most. However, thanks to the great advancements in technology there can be enough outlet space for everyone. intelliARMOR 4 Port USB Portable Wall Charger has all of your smart devices covered.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Raspberries for Weight Loss
Actively losing weight can be really frustrating. There are good days, bad days, and how am I going to get through the day when trying to lose a significant amount of weight. Making healthier choices and still not seeing the results you want can cause you to slip back into bad habits. Supplements are a great tool to use to give your body a boost of nutrients. Raspberry Ketone Pro dietary supplement may help you shed pounds and keep them off.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Natural Beauty Soap Edition: Monie Squared
For the past year or so I have been enjoying using natural products for my skincare and hair-care needs. Before I started using natural products, I had to use different drugstore brand beauty products for my face, hands, body, and feet. Since certain areas of my body reacted differently to products that I was using, it was not only costly, but it was also time consuming. Handmade soaps truly have made my beauty routine 100 times easier. Monie Squared has a large variety of handmade soaps that not only cleanse the body, but they are also formulated from wholesome ingredients that help the skin inside and out.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Buffy Boots Rain Boots are Groovy
Spring is almost here and that means rain. I love rainy days because the sound sound and smell of rain is so relaxing to me. Since the rain will becoming, investing in a quality pair or rain boots is a must. Wearing normal shoes while it is raining can lead to soaked shoes, soggy socks, and a days worth of irritation. Buffy Boots Rain Boots will become your one stop shop for quality rain boots.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Week 2
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My second week on Personal Trainer Food diet program was also a success. All of the food options were delicious and I felt full for hours after eating each meal. This week I learned that I am allergic to to eggs (kind of). After eating breakfast at 10 a.m. I would not be hungry for the next 8 hours. I was feeling sick daily, but I attributed that to me drastically changing my diet (cutting out sweets). After I developed a slight rash over half of my body, I realized that I was having an allergic reaction to eating large quantities of eggs. So for breakfast I only eat the meat (bacon or sausage patty) and give the omelet to my mom or sister.
My second week on Personal Trainer Food diet program was also a success. All of the food options were delicious and I felt full for hours after eating each meal. This week I learned that I am allergic to to eggs (kind of). After eating breakfast at 10 a.m. I would not be hungry for the next 8 hours. I was feeling sick daily, but I attributed that to me drastically changing my diet (cutting out sweets). After I developed a slight rash over half of my body, I realized that I was having an allergic reaction to eating large quantities of eggs. So for breakfast I only eat the meat (bacon or sausage patty) and give the omelet to my mom or sister.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Show some Love to your Liver
Being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to the health of your body can save you time, money, frustration, and your actual life. Internally our bodies are working 24/7, 365. Organs are a vital part of our existence and if one fails, it could not only cause a host of problems, but it could cause the whole internal system to shut down. One organ that is essentially a jack of all trades is the liver. Boosting the overall functionality of your liver can heighten your quality of life. CCL Advanced Liver Dietary Supplement may be the supplement you need to start feeling like a totally new person.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Ginseng Powers
My diet has changed for the better, but my body does not think so. I have a sweet tooth out of this world and cutting sweets completely from my diet for 40 straight days is taking its toll on me. Since my body is going through cookies, pies, cakes, candy, and specialty popcorn withdrawals; finding something to give me a boost throughout the day is vital. I am a big proponent of taking dietary supplements and I take several supplements daily (with great results). So trying out Tuff Bear Nutrition American Ginseng is right up my alley.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Personal Trainer Food Diet! The Weight Loss Program that Works! Week 1
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My first week on the Personal Trainer Food diet was a success! The breakfast and lunch options all were delicious and satisfying. I still craved sweets like no other, but I was able to tap into some unforeseen willpower and managed not to cheat. The ease of the Personal Trainer Food diet plan is unmatched and I am looking forward to my continued results.
The pictures of the food below is what this diet plan consist of. You will be getting REAL food daily. You do not have to keep track of calories or maintain a point system. Each meal is made to help you feel full and lose weight. Majority of the breakfast options will consist of an omelet and a side of meat. Sometimes you will have two omelets for breakfast. The omelets range in variety and taste. You will get regular omelets, cheese omelets, and frittata style omelets. For meat options you will either get bacon of a sausage patty. Even-though I do not like eggs, I ate them any way because I want to follow this diet plan as it is intended. The bacon and sausage patty are flavorful and true to taste.
My first week on the Personal Trainer Food diet was a success! The breakfast and lunch options all were delicious and satisfying. I still craved sweets like no other, but I was able to tap into some unforeseen willpower and managed not to cheat. The ease of the Personal Trainer Food diet plan is unmatched and I am looking forward to my continued results.
The pictures of the food below is what this diet plan consist of. You will be getting REAL food daily. You do not have to keep track of calories or maintain a point system. Each meal is made to help you feel full and lose weight. Majority of the breakfast options will consist of an omelet and a side of meat. Sometimes you will have two omelets for breakfast. The omelets range in variety and taste. You will get regular omelets, cheese omelets, and frittata style omelets. For meat options you will either get bacon of a sausage patty. Even-though I do not like eggs, I ate them any way because I want to follow this diet plan as it is intended. The bacon and sausage patty are flavorful and true to taste.
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